Who is the Customer for Ship Agent?

Customers of Ship Agent doing Documentation


 A shipping agent is an individual or a specialized company that acts as an intermediary and provides various services to facilitate the efficient and smooth operations of vessels when they arrive at ports. Shipping agents play a vital role in coordinating the logistics, documentation, and communication between shipowners, operators, charterers, port authorities, PHO, Customs, Immigrations, Receivers/Shippers and other stakeholders involved pertaining to vessels and its operations. In this particular blog we are going to discuss about the Customers of the Ship Agent

Understanding the customers of a ship agent is vital for tailoring services, communicating effectively, meeting expectations, and ensuring efficient operations. It facilitates compliance with diverse regulations, fosters relationships, aids in problem-solving, supports business growth, and provides a competitive edge.


The customer base for a ship agent is quite diverse and includes both legal customers and commercial customers. Here's an expanded explanation:

Legal customers of the Ship Agent  discussing


1.Legal Customers: Legal customers in the context of ship agency typically refer to entities involved in the legal and regulatory aspects of maritime operations. These could include:

  • Ship Owners/Charterers/Managers and Operators: Companies or individuals who own or operate ships, seeking assistance with port operations, documentation, and regulatory compliance. for full agency the legal customer is always the time charterer or disponent owner
  • Government Agencies: Govt. Agencies such as Navy, Military, Research vessels use agency services regularly around the globe.
  • Legal Firms: Law firms specializing in maritime law may need ship agency services to facilitate legal procedures related to shipping, vessel registration, and disputes.
  • Insurance/P&I Companies: Insurance providers involved in maritime insurance may work with ship agents to assess risks and handle claims.


Commercial customers of the Ship Agent  shaking hands


2.Commercial Customers: Commercially Both Appointing and Nominations party are Commercial customers for an agent.  Examples include but not limited to

  • Cargo Owners and Shippers: Businesses and individuals sending or receiving cargo via ships rely on ship agents to coordinate loading, unloading, and customs clearance.
  • Freight Forwarders: Companies that arrange transportation and logistics for shipments often collaborate with ship agents to ensure smooth movement of goods.
  • Charterers: Entities that charter vessels for specific routes or timeframes depend on ship agents for arranging port services and operational coordination.
  • Manning and technical Managers: Uses agency services for their husbandry work.
  • Suppliers and Service Providers: Businesses offering services such as fueling, provisioning, maintenance, and repairs to ships connect with ship agents to reach vessel operators.


What is a Nomination?

An agent nomination contains specific instructions for the port agent on how the port call/cargo should be handled e.g., contacts to be kept informed about operations, frequency of updates etc.

  • An agent nomination should ideally be sent by email to the ship agent directly.
  • Normally a standard nomination template & process available within organization is used.
  • The nomination party is derived out of the charter party (CP) which can be derived from the commodity sales contract.   


Nominating and Appointing party  of the Ship Agent doing documentation


Nominating party and appointing party for agents:

Nominating Party: The nominating party is the entity that selects or nominates a specific maritime agency to handle services for a ship during its port call. This party could be the shipowner, operator, charterer, or another relevant party involved in the ship's operations. The nominating party chooses the agency that will act on its behalf to coordinate tasks such as port agency services, customs clearance, crew arrangements, logistics, and more.


Appointing Party: The appointing party is essentially the same as the nominating party. It refers to the entity that appoints or designates a specific maritime agency to represent its interests and manage the various tasks and services required for the ship's port visit. The appointing party entrusts the agency with ensuring that all necessary services are arranged and executed smoothly. 


Three columns showing who nominates for different vessel in customer of the ship agent


What should a Nomination contain?

A comprehensive nomination in ship agency includes the following key details and instructions:

  1. Full Style of Charterer and Owner:
    • Clearly state the full legal names and contact information of both the charterer and owner. This ensures accurate communication and coordination.
  2. Voyage Instructions:
    • Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at the port.
    • Load and discharge ports, specifying the sequence if multiple ports are involved.
    • Laycan (Lay-days and Cancelling Dates) for loading and discharging operations.
  3. Cargo Operations Instructions:
    • Specify the cargo type, quantity, and any special handling instructions.
    • Provide loading and discharge rates for cargo operations.
    • Include Notice of Readiness (NOR) instructions, including the location and timing for presenting NOR.
  4. Communication Guidelines:
    • Contact details of the Person In Charge (PIC) who can be reached for communication.
    • Specify guidelines for communication during both regular hours and at night.
    • Clarify what communication is considered urgent and requires immediate attention.
  5. Breakdown of Expenses:
    • Detail the breakdown of expenses according to the terms outlined in the charter party agreement between the charterer and owner.
    • Include information about who is responsible for various costs, such as port dues, pilotage, agency fees, and more.
  6. Instructions for Regular Updates:
    • Pre-Arrival: Notify the nominated ship agent about the ship's impending arrival and any necessary preparations.
    • Arrival: Provide details of the ship's arrival, such as anchoring, berthing, and initial port procedures.
    • During Port Stay: Specify the frequency and content of updates required during the ship's stay, including cargo operations progress, delays, and any issues.
    • Upon Completion: Instruct the ship agent to inform about successful completion of operations.
    • Post Departure: Indicate the need for updates after the ship's departure, confirming the vessel's safe departure and adherence to departure formalities.
  7. Document Instructions:
    • Disbursement Account (DA): Specify instructions for preparing and submitting the Disbursement Account, detailing port expenses incurred during the ship's stay.
    • Bill of Lading (B/L): Provide instructions for issuing and distributing the Bill of Lading, including any specific requirements or endorsements.
    • Statement of Facts (SOF): Specify guidelines for preparing and sharing the Statement of Facts, detailing cargo operations, conditions, and events during the port stay.


Documentation instructions for the customers of the Ship Agent



In conclusion, understanding the diverse clientele of a ship agent is essential for tailoring services, effective communication, and ensuring smooth operations. The customers of a ship agent encompass both legal and commercial entities involved in various aspects of maritime operations, ranging from ship owners and government agencies to cargo owners and service providers. Additionally, the nomination and appointment process plays a critical role in ensuring that ship agency services are seamlessly executed. A comprehensive nomination should include key details and instructions related to voyage, cargo operations, communication, expenses, and document handling. By comprehending and catering to the needs of these customers and following meticulous nomination guidelines, ship agents can enhance their effectiveness in the maritime industry.

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Capt.Amresh Kumar Jha

Capt. Amresh is a maritime expert, ship agency enthusiast and sustainability advocate with a passion for exploring the intersection of the shipping industry and environmental responsibility. With a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities in ship agency business , the author explained through the easiest possible version on complexity of shipping agency concepts.


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