How to approach companies for shore jobs?

An image showing how to approach companies for shore jobs

Transition for Shore jobs: 


We all at some time would have thought of applying for shore jobs or preparing for one. In some cases, we could have got our 1st shore job through reference and then we might need some help in our transition. In this blog, we would like to lay down a methodology or best practices on how to approach for shore jobs and make a smooth transition.

Following could be the process to approach companies when you are looking for shore jobs:


a) Resume

Ensure that you make a resume/CV which is designed for shore jobs. This is by far the most important activity in your preparation. CV provides a trailer about a person and it is the biggest marketing tool for you. Please remember the company will call you for an interview basis this document and hence please invest a lot of time in preparing this. It is advisable that you take help from professionals in making your 1st shore CV and then keep on working on improving it. Ensure you study CV’s of your friends within this and other industries as well and accordingly change it as required. 

b) LinkedIn

Prepare a LinkedIn profile to ensure your presence in professional social media platforms. Needless to say, please invest time in making a good profile with best practices and relevant key words. Ideally, you should be able to make this yourselves by doing some research. If you don’t have time to do research, please take help of professional agencies

c) Job role: 

Please research the job role you would like to get into. Ideally look for atleast 5-7 roles (Maritime law, marine superintendent, commercial, ports, pilotage),  try and talk to atleast 1-3 persons in each field for you to better know each filed. Try and assess - the personality required, the progression, the family life, remuneration with the most focus on personality required when you talk to each of them. In this process of talking to many professionals you would have come to know about which companies are hiring and your familiarization of the industry increases and you are much better placed now. 

You may find relevant persons from LinkedIn or reference or you may look at  our Experts page 


A person standing out from the crowd preparing for a shore job interview


d) Introspect: Look at answering these 2 questions —

1. Why are you looking for a shore job? 

This seems like a very easy question and it probably is, but don’t just prepare for this question but the next 2-3 follow up questions which will come after it. This is a sure shot question which would be asked by the company. Ideally companies look for persons who are looking for growth and learning and not just family life. 

2. What are your achievements? 

This is essentially to point out that how can you differentiate yourselves from the others at same position. Were you able to add revenue, save time, help in safety, take some initiatives, got appreciated, received recognitions (awards, certificate) etc. and than showcase these things in an interview. Please wear your marketing hat when you answer this question. If you feel that all seafarers do the same thing and no special achievement, think of what you say to your reliever when you sign off (Before me xx was done in yy way and now _____ ) I am 100% sure you would have an achievement for yourselves. 

This helps you in preparing for the interview as well. Most companies hire for shore jobs based on attitude and aptitude and not just on competence. It is generally assumed that a person working on a vessel for x years would be competent to do the job. 

e) Upskill yourselves: – 

Once you know the field where you want to go, upskill yourselves in the field which is most relevant for you. Look for certification or full time courses. There is no guarantee that a certificate or a full time course will land you a job but the probability of getting a job Is much much higher when you have an additional certificate or degree. Also, the probability of progressing in professional domain is higher when you have a degree. Generally, 80–90% of the persons who have upskilled reach to Sr. management levels where as 10-20% of persons who haven’t reach to Sr. management levels. 



f) Start applying

Once you are ready with all the ammunition, now shortlist the 2 most relevant fields and look at top5 companies in each one of them and start applying. When you apply, don’t just share the same CV but tweak it as per the requirements in the company. If possible, visit the companies offices and try and meet not only the HR but a senior business person. Try and take their email id and share email with them. 

This process may have to be repeated to get to the right job. 

This is a lot tedious but it generally works in most cases. In some cases, you may get a job in 2 weeks and in some 6 months but it generally works

g) External help :

Talk to placement consultants as they would have better network than you and could guide you in choosing relevant fields and jobs. Understand the consultant in an organization who typically handles the jobs that are most relevant to you and ensure that you are in touch with him/her. Never/ever pay a placement consultancy for any placements

h) Persistence

Once you have done everything required, keep on repeating and it would just be a matter of time before you get the 1st opening. In the meanwhile don’t forget networking with relevant persons and letting companies know that you are keen to add value. 

The road to getting a shore job may/may not be so easy but when we are at it with some smartness, perseverance and agility we all will get whatever we are looking for. 


All the best!!!!


Incase you need any support with CV/ Resume, LinkedIn, mentoring, upskilling, or jobs feel free to reach out to us on or can comment down below with your query. 

Thank you!  


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Capt. Gaurav Rana

As the founder of Sea and Beyond, I’m not just a seafarer but an author weaving tales of maritime adventures. With a career navigating the unpredictable seas, my passion for exploration spills onto the pages of captivating narratives. Beyond the captain's hat, I don the role of an author, offering readers an intimate glimpse into the world of seafaring.

Join me on a captivating journey with Sea and Beyond, exploring maritime insights, adventure, and the resilient spirit of those who navigate open waters. Let's discover the allure of the sea together.

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