• Click on “Expert list” page tab.

  • Click on category on the left hand side of the page.

  • Look for a function that you are interested in.

  • Photo of experts in that function appears.

  • Click on the expert’s photo or name to check his profile.

  • Browse through the experts and select one.


  • Once you select an expert, click on “Request a call”.

  • Log in or register and provide the timings for call.

  • Give the expert three choices and press “Submit”.

  • You are now directed to the payment gateway.

  • Pay the fees through credit/debit card or net-banking.

  • Expert gets an alert, selects a time and messages back to the candidate.

  • Candidate gets confirmation and then sends his CV/profile and some more info to understand your thought process.

  • Both candidate and expert connect on Skype at the agreed time.


After the call, candidate provides the feedback and suggests the improvement.

Welcome to “” and congratulations on finding a platform, 1st of it’s kind, which will help you in supporting your career. In order to get maximum output from a call with expert we request you to go through the following guidelines:

A typical discussion could be formalized in the following manner:

a) A brief introduction about your self and your interest.

b) Explain the reason for this call without repeating what is already there in CV or letter of purpose.

c) Go step by step in realizing goal of your call.

d) Be as candid as possible in highlighting your achievements and shortcomings. (Write in detail about this in your Letter of Purpose)

e) Have patience. Listen to the expert carefully till he completes/finishes his reply.

f) Keep a notebook handy to note down important points.

g) Evaluate your personality vis-a-vis personality suited to the function you choose.

h) Is it clear to you what expert is saying? If not request him to repeat or elaborate any particular point

i) Do give due importance to family life.

j) Before ending the call REVIEW whether your questions. Seek clarification if any.

Candidates question should lead to a critical evaluation of the certain function or field that he/she wishes to choose. In order to make most of the conversation, we suggest that the candidate should prepare specific questions with one leading to another.

Our distinguished experts, drawn from all over the world and with different profiles, hold senior positions in the industry. They are authority in their field. However, believing in the mission of seaandbeyond and their own passion to guide and mentor people like you, they have consented to be part of this platform.

Their normal professional fees would have been exorbitant and time invaluable but responding to our request they have agreed to a minimal fee. Also in order to hinder frivolous calls and to provide you with up to date technology we have kept a minimal fees of only INR 1000/session.


Get a chance to attend personalized session by IIMA/Ex Goldman Sachs and certified leadership coach.

Capt. Harsh Johari sailed for 15 years including 3 years as Master. He completed his MBA from IIM-A in 2010 and worked for Goldman Sachs as Regional Head - Payments/Treasury and Risk & Control Operations.

He is now on his own working as Executive, Leadership Coach & Training Consultant. He provides personalized coaching to C-suite executives to help them unlock their true leadership potential.

His clients include senior leaders (CXOs, National Heads, SVPs) from industries such as finance, shipping, consulting and technology.

He is an ICF ACC Coach, certified Intelligent Leadership Coach (by John Mattone former coach of Steve Jobs) and certified Happiness Coach (Berkeley Institute of Wellbeing

Book Now to understand:
  • Whether YOU are in mid-life crisis or not
  • How likely are persons in merchant navy face the above problems
  • How best could one deal “Career Transition” Questions and whether YOU should look for a career transition

At the end of the Sessions, you would have:
  • Questions to help you understand whether you should switch careers or not
  • Typical opportunities available outside maritime sector and how to identify them
  • How to build your profile for non-maritime - self realization and resume
  • Whether you need to up skill or not

Process for Career Transition Assistance Program:
  • Action plan
  • Career Coaching
  • Professional Development Goals – Expert Calls
  • Interview Preparation

Warm Regards

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