Be a Tutor : Inspire Learners with Your Knowledge!

Share your expertise and connect directly with seafarers,
making a meaningful impact in their maritime journeys.

  • right-check Develop, retain, and advance critical talent
  • right-check Lower training costs without sacrificing quality
  • right-check Track and measure skills to demonstrate ROI












Begin teaching now and inspire others.

Embarking on the journey: Countless motives ignite the spark of commencement, beckoning one to embrace the path ahead and seize the opportunities that lie in wait.

How S&B Teach Works?

Get started

We help you select the most relevant and sought after courses and the best practices to prepare.

Produce the video

Through our design team, we help you in creating the content and the best practices.

We promote the course

Through our relevant subscribers we help you promote the course.

You earn

Earn through royalty and produce more courses.

Each one of us has gathered some unique knowledge over some time and specialised in different things.
Each one of us also may have our unique way of explaining the same concept.
Many of us may want to give back to the industry may want recognition or may just want to make money.
There could be many reasons for an interest in teaching.
What is yours?

Having an interest is a good starting point. Reach out to us at . We can discuss the areas you could contribute. We could also advise the requirements of the industry and plan for best fitment.
Once we decide on the most relevant topics, we could provide you with the best practices in the delivery of a course and recording of video.
Once the recording is completed, we could help you refine the video and post it on our platform.

We have to start somewhere. Look at it from contributing to the industry and giving it back or from the perspective of earning some money.
We can also provide you some guidelines and support you in making your videos

Depending on the type of course, we could support you in hosting content. Depending on various parameters, you may or may not have to pay for hosting. Do reach out to us at

We provide you:
   a) Recognition
   b) Chance to have another income
   c) Validity of your thoughts
   d) Chance to give back to the fraternity
   e) Contribute to the bigger ecosystem

Sea and Beyond has been a pioneer in the marine industry and has the following network:
   a) 120 + companies
   b) 40 + foreign universities
   c) 100,000 + online and offline subscribers
   d) Google rating of 4.9
We can provide you with a chance to showcase your work to our partners and subscribers and get the true value of your work.
We empower you, we guide you, you ACHIEVE

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