Join Merchant Navy And See The World

Join Merchant Navy and see the world

A very common line which everyone of us have heard at some point before joining merchant navy. The world which we actually see is different than the world we imagine before going on ship. In this blog we will focus solely on merchant vessels. To briefly summarize, in any merchant vessel there are three departments, namely:

 1. DECK 


3. GALLEY i.e. Catering 

Being from deck department, I will be sharing my experience starting from how I began my career in merchant navy as GP rating and eventually became a deck officer.



My aim was to join as deck cadet in merchant navy, complete my college for 1 year, sail for 18 months onboard and then give 2nd mates exam. However, due to slightly lower percentages, I was not eligible for cadet training and had to switch to the GP rating. One reason behind not choosing B.Sc. Nautical for three years was the cost - it was too expensive and practically speaking, it seemed too long of a study period in college compared to gaining practical experience onboard with just 1 year of training. 

When I joined my first vessel the only thing which was going on in my head was "One day I will also earn this uniform". Mindset is the key to success because there will be many around you to pull you down, doubt you and your abilities, demotivate you. Just ignore them. Since your first vessel, start showing interest in learning, make notes, ask questions to seniors etc. 

After completing my sea time of 36 months as a crew, I enrolled for my 2nd mate studies at WARSASH COLLEGE that is located in SOUTHAMPTON.


UK COC exam preparations


Now the million-dollar question is, why did I choose UK COC over Indian COC?

Very basic answer for this is that from UK you just have to give one exam which is for F.G. (FOREGIN GOING) Vessels but if you plan to give your exams from India then this may be a longer process.

1. Academically, the studies taught in UK (WARSASH COLLEGE) are more practical based. Candidate is not burdened with extra or unnecessary stuff which is obsolete or not in use in this modern era. 

2. Even for written exams in UK, you have just one paper covering all topics, whereas in India, there are couple of phases, such as Part 1, Part 2, etc. 

3. Another major difference is that in UK orals, it’s all about the practical knowledge a candidate should have, which is used in day-to-day life onboard. Since we spend more time working onboard, gaining knowledge through experience. The UK model, in my opinion, suits us better.

I would also like to mention that many candidates try to obtain COC issued by countries which are not on the whitelist. They end up paying high fees to the agents just to get a paper which would mention them as a 2nd mate or any other. But frankly, this is unnecessary and a total waste of time and money. One should always try to get COC from countries which are whitelisted. The UK certainly is on the Whitelist and its COC is accepted worldwide. 



Challenges faced during COC admission


Some of the challenges which a candidate might face while applying includes –

  1. College admission process
  2. Visa application process including IELTS
  3. Accommodation
  4. Study pattern.

These are just some hurdles but with the right guidance and help these can be overcome easily.


Today, as I sail as a 3rd officer, I often reflect on how good it feels to have taken that crucial step so many years ago. The path I chose wasn’t the easiest—starting as a GP rating and working my way up—but it was the right one for me. Looking back, I realize that each challenge, from the long months at sea to the complexities of studying in the UK, has made me stronger and more resilient. What began as a dream of earning the officer’s uniform has turned into a fulfilling career, built on hard work, perseverance, and the constant hunger to learn.

To those considering or already in this line of work, remember that the sea is both a teacher and a test. It will challenge you in ways you can’t predict, but it will also reward you with unmatched experiences and the satisfaction of knowing you’ve earned every stripe. The key is to stay focused, keep learning, and always look ahead to what lies beyond the horizon.

I would like to thank Sea and Beyond for guiding me where needed. And I hope that through my journey I can motivate more seafarers.

If you too need any kind of guidance, support or assistance related to your COC, then reach out to us by clicking here or at / +91 93269 70603.

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Tanmay Desai

Founder, Money Guard | 2nd Mate (F.G.)

Dedicated mariner with rich sailing experience of 12 years. Alongside his inspiring sailing career, he founded Money Guard, a platform dedicated to raising financial awareness among seafarers. With a vision to help mariners secure their family's future and enjoy a peaceful retirement, addressing crucial topics such as the importance of retirement planning, its benefits, and practical approaches tailored specifically for seafarers.

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