About The Expert

With 15 years of global seafaring experience and an unlimited Master Mariner license from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, UK, since 2016, Capt. Puneet Sareen is a Master Mariner in Clyde & Co’s energy, marine, and natural resources team. As an in-house consultant and case handler, he supports clients in maritime legal disputes across multiple jurisdictions and works with key global offices of Clyde & Co, specializing in complex tanker-related claims’

Previously, Capt. Puneet was a Claims Executive at a leading IG P&I Club, handling diverse claims such as crew matters, cargo and pollution incidents, collision liabilities, and charterparty disputes.

Holding an LLM in International Maritime Law (Distinction) from Swansea University, he is awaiting the outcome of SQE2 exams to qualify as a solicitor in England and Wales, aiming to join the ranks of Master Mariners who are also English-qualified solicitors.

 Name :
Capt. Puneet Sareen

 Designation :
Master Mariner

 Company :
Clyde & Co.

 Total Experience :
20+ years years

 Preferred Call Time :
1430-2100 Hrs IST on Weekends (Sat- Sun)

Can Advice On :

Progression in Maritime Law
Transition Ashore

Past Experience :

  • Master Mariner, Clyde & Co. (2.5 years)
  • Claims Executive, The Standard P&I Club (1.5 years)
  • Marine Surveyor (3 months)
  • Sailing Experience 15 years

Education :

  • LLM in International Maritime Law (Distinction), Swansea University
  • Unlimited Master CoC issued by Maritime and Coastguard Agency, UK.
  • HND in Nautical Science from Warsash Maritime Academy
  • Member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers since 2013

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