Personal Details :

Expert Details :

 Name :
Vijay Arora

 Designation :
ex-Managing Director, Indian Register of Shipping

 company :
Indian Register of Shipping

 Total Experience :
34 years years

 Preffered Call Time :
As per mutual discussion

Can Advice On :

Career in Classification
Various surveyors

Past Experience :

  • Various positions upto Managing Director in IRS
  • Marine Chief Engineer Officer at Grreat Eastern

Education :

  • Chief Engineer
  • Member of the IACS Statutory Panel
  • Chairman of the Safety Panel at IACS
  • Chairman of IACS General Policy Group (GPG)
  • Participation in the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) :
    • Ship Design and Construction (SDC)
    • Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE)
    • Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
    • Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
  • IACS Meetings

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