Shore job options for Marine Engineers in Core Shipping

Shore job options for Marine Engineers in Core Shipping

Career Guidance


5 (2 reviews)
Capt. Gaurav Rana
Free Enrollment

Guidance plays a crucial role in our career growth as it directs us toward the right path by bridging the knowledge gap. So to provide us with proper guidance and help us in our career growth we are presenting a series on “Ship to Shore - Career Transition Series for Marine Engineers.” In this series Capt. Gaurav Rana has answered all your queries to help you make well-informed professional decisions for your career growth


The topics covered in the series include: 

  • Shore job for Marine Engineers in core shipping 
  • Shore-based jobs for 4th & 3rd Engineers in core shipping 
  • Shore-based jobs for 2nd & Chief Engineer in core shipping 
  • Vessel Data Manager, skills required, salary, how to apply? 
  • Sale and Purchase Department, skills required, how to apply?
  • Technical Manager, skills required, salary, how to apply?
  • Crewing, skills required, salary, how to apply?
  • Surveyor, opportunities, skills required, how to apply?
  • PMS Monitoring, skills required, how to apply?
  • Bunker Management, skills required, salary, how to apply?
  • Ship Broking, skills required, salary, how to apply?
  • Chartering, skills required, salary, how to apply? 


For more details, enroll for the course now! – Absolutely free 


Capt. Gaurav Rana

As the founder of Sea and Beyond, I’m not just a seafarer but an author weaving tales of maritime adventures. With a career navigating the unpredictable seas, my passion for exploration spills onto the pages of captivating narratives. Beyond the captain's hat, I don the role of an author, offering readers an intimate glimpse into the world of seafaring.

Join me on a captivating journey with Sea and Beyond, exploring maritime insights, adventure, and the resilient spirit of those who navigate open waters. Let's discover the allure of the sea together.


5 (2 Reviews)







Intended for:

For Maritime professionals looking to transition from Sea to Shore


Not based on any reference

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