Where is my BUOY!

Where is my BUOY!


Emerging chatter about the seafarer’s “Mental Wellbeing” has shed light on the ongoing mental health crisis in the community. “Mental health disorder ranked in the top 10 crew illnesses between 2019 and 2023” (Lloyd’s List,2024).

In the miniscule global seafaring population of about  1,892,720 seafarers (ICS,2023) loss of a single life is a colossal loss. Data by Lloyd’s List of Casualties 2024 reports that every tenth death at sea is a suicide. It is time to go full steam ahead with our efforts to prevent and deal with this inescapable reality. 


Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. 

1. Mental Health Awareness Campaigns

The importance of conversations around mental issues can’t be over-emphasized.  Destigmatizing mental illnesses and acknowledging the challenges faced by people at sea is the crucial first step.



2. Stress Management Initiatives

Work-related stress is a significant contributor to human error as well as poor interpersonal relationships onboard vessels. The cause and effect of ship-related stressors have been studied extensively. Preventing stress and negating its effects require some concrete steps from key stakeholders. 

3. Employee Assistance Program

It is an employer-sponsored benefit program that provides support to employees to face personal and work-related challenges. EAP improves employee satisfaction, work-life balance, and employee-organization relationships.


Hope with this 3-pronged approach and some practical tips proactive steps are taken to prioritize the mental well-being of the seafarers. Organizations working in tandem with the employees for a healthy work environment can make sailing truly a pleasure!

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Anuradha Singh

Anuradha Singh is the Founder and Director of Hyumanium Consultants, a certified industrial psychologist since 2005 and an HR specialist at a reputed merchant navy training institute since 2013. Her human welfare-driven company provides solutions to both employees and organizations with actionable tools for higher productivity, profitability, and retention. 

Anuradha is passionate about environmental sustainability thus she is pursuing her doctorate in “Green Practices onboard ships”. 

To visit my LinkedIn profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/anuradha-singh-235076139/

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