Personal Details :

Expert Details :

 Name :
Capt. Vishal Kumar Singh

 Designation :
Marine Consultant and Advisor. (Oil / Chemical / Gas Ships and

 company :
Ship owners and Managers

 Total Experience :
30+ years

 Preffered Call Time :
IST working hours (Mon-Fri)

Can Advice On :

Maritime Safety Operations
Learning and Development Skills
Risk Safety and Quality Management
Mentoring Superintendents to manage their vessels better
Guide Chief Engineers/ Masters for Safe Ship Ops

Past Experience :

  • Marine Advisor (Oil / Chem / Gas) -  Jan 2020 till date.
  • STASCO approved Shell expeditor - 1st Jan 2016 to  4th Jan 2020.
  • Associate Consultant - (Marigon/ OSPL/ JBS Marine / V.Ships Chennai / Aastha Marine): 31 Dec 2011 to 31st Dec 2015
  • Projects & Operations Officer V Group – May 2008 to 31st Dec 2011

Education :

  • KING Georges  Chail, MBA remote, Southampton univ(WMU),
  • Leadership and Management from Port Blair and Pondicherry from GUV of the two states (both are Union Territory)

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