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Mentoring for Life

"A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself."
- Oprah Winfrey

90% of the workers who have a career mentor say they are happy in their jobs and have been able to progress better in personal and professional life. More importantly, the mentor grows with each and every mentee he/she has. The more passionate a person is to “give back” and guide the more he/she learns and progresses.

Due to the contractual nature of some of the professions like merchant navy, many a times a person is unable to build a bond and confidence with their peers and seniors for a proper mentoring and regular follow up’s to take place. This leaves many of us seeking for random guidance and without a structured program.

Sea and Beyond has tried to contribute to the fraternity by identifying fields where mariners could go and identified mentors who are passionate to give back. So feel free to connect with us or with the esteemed mentors to solicit guidance. We also welcome experts who would like to offer mentorship as well.

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