Delicious and Nutritious Non Dairy Foods That Are High in Calcium

Mental wellbeing

7 Mins

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Learning Seaman
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This course provides a list of 11 delicious and nutritious non-dairy foods that are high in calcium. It emphasizes the importance of finding plant-based sources of calcium that offer additional nutrients.

The list includes fortified tofu, fortified plant milk (such as almond or soy milk), collard greens, edamame, bok choy, cauliflower, turnip greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, and cabbage. Each food is described along with suggestions on how to incorporate them into meals. These non-dairy foods are great options for vegans and others looking to increase their calcium intake.


Learning Seaman

Learning Seaman is the first worldwide lifelong e-learning platform dedicated to seafarers wellbeing, mental health and resilience onboard. Τhe aim is to offer seafarers an educational and entertaining tool which will help them develop emotional resilience and manage stress, especially that brought on by the unique working conditions, such as social isolation and blurry boundaries between living and working in order to complete their tasks on board more efficiently.

It's an all-in-one platform that consists of short and concise courses from a variety of sections such as wellness and development, nutrition and health, sports, travel, art, music and movie stars, biographies, business and finance, classical studies, history, board games, theater etc. The courses are constantly updating and are presented in podcasts and video formats.


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7 Mins

Intended for:

Everyone in the maritime community


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