Would you like to know about:
a) Different types of marine agencies
b) What is the general work that a mariner does in these agencies
c) Opportunities for sea-farers (engineers and deck officers)
b) What is the opportunity for junior officers in this line of work?
c) What are the skill sets required both professionally and personally.
d) What can a sea farer do to plan the shift in terms of value addition or personality enhancements?
e) What do companies generally look for when they interview a candidate for this position?
f) What kind of lifestyle/money/future etc. can a person expect?
g) What is the right time to shift ashore?
If the answer to above questions in YES and want to know more about this please attend a webinar presented which will be presented by Capt. Amresh Kumar Jha
Capt. Amresh sailed for 15 years and than joined ashore where in he has worked in DG Shipping, in Safety supt’d role with BSM, was country manager of Wilhelmsen for 3 years before joining Kanoo as Head of India 5 years back. He is a highly qualified Master Mariner and versatile ship operation professional with over 25 years of experience in the Maritime industry covering Commercial Shipping, Ship Agency, Maritime Logistics, Products and Chemical Supplies, Training, Vetting, QHSSE, internal and external auditing, port state & flag state Vessel Inspections and vessel Operations. Making strategic planning to develop maritime business within an international and multi-cultural background.
After the webinar questions would be taken. Also candidates are encouraged to write their queries to This will help the presenter to get a feel of the mindset of the attendees and prepare the presentation as per the requirement.
Capt. Amresh is a maritime expert, ship agency enthusiast and sustainability advocate with a passion for exploring the intersection of the shipping industry and environmental responsibility. With a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities in ship agency business , the author explained through the easiest possible version on complexity of shipping agency concepts.
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