In our attempt to further enhance your skills, Sea and Beyond are proud to present to you a webinar by EM Normandie Business School on the Masters in International Logistics and Port Management and Masters in Supply Chain Management.
These are exclusive international program offered through full-time attendance and is ideal for persons from shipping background.
Key points covered in the webinar will be:
This webinar is for all those who are looking to enhance his/her skill sets with a focus on shipping domain and international focus
The webinar will be presented by key persons from the institute and course.
The webinar would consist of the following:
Prof. Nicolas Gerk (Director of M2/MSc Supply Chain Management & International logistics and port management)
Mrs. Laurence Mariet Sanchez (Head of International recruitment)
The training would consist of the following:
Sea and Beyond
Laurence is the Head of International Recruitment at EM Normandie Business School. Prior to this she was India Country Manager for Kedge Business School and has excellent connects in India college ecosystems and University ecosystem in France..
He holds a Master's degree in International Logistics and Crisis Management from EMN. He has been teaching in post-graduate programs at EM Normandie since 2016 in the fields of maritime transport, port management, and sustainable logistics. He has co-led the programs SCM & ILPM since 2021. In parallel, He is a consultant in Port & Flow Management for various shipping companies and port terminals. He is also a Maritime Safety and Security Trainer for a specialized firm in France and Africa.
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