Shore Opportunities (Chartering/Broking & Related Operations)

Speakers :
Saurabh Rathore
Seats :


Date & Time :
30/08/2015 at 11:00 AM IST
Price :
Duration :
1 hrs

Event Sessions

Session 1 :
30/08/2015 at 11:00 AM IST   To   30/08/2015 at 12:00 PM IST  (1 Hours)

Content On Webinars

Do you know:
➢What does chartering/broking mean and what is the difference?
➢What is the qualification required to enter this field?
➢Do companies prefer deck officers or engineer officers?
➢The different types of chartering/broking fields.
➢What is the work profile?
➢When is the best time for an officer to switch to this field?
➢How much is the money, travel and what kind of personality is required to excel in ship chartering and broking field?
➢What do the employers look when they hire an officer in this field?

If the answer to above questions in NO or if you are unsure and want to know more about this, platted a webinar which will be presented by Saurabh Rathore.

Saurabh Rathore is a deck officer and has more than 8 years experience in the field of commercial shipping. He joined OPI(Now EXL Services) in 2007 as a vessel operator handling dry bulk vessel operations for Cargill International SA before moving on to a ship broking company and is now working as Director, Braemar ACM Shipbroking India Pvt Ltd. Saurabh regularly interacts with global clients, manages their account and oversees deals worth a few hundred thousand dollars each. I his team he has merchant navy deck and engineer officers along with with freshers and experienced MBA graduates. He also recruits and trains candidates.

From the webinar you would know about:


a)  The various types of chartering and broking.

b) Operations carried out in these fields

c) The qualifications and skills required.

d) The personalities that would suit this kind of profile, the ideal age etc..

e) The financial benefits and other incentives.

f) Where are the opportunities in such field.

g) The scope, security and future.

h) What are the courses that one could do?

i) What do employers look for in a candidate when they recruit one

j) Q&A  (5 good questions will be taken)

About the Speakers

Saurabh Rathore
Co Founder - Transfretus Partners Pvt. Ltd,

Saurabh Rathore is a deck officer and has more than 8 years experience in the field of commercial shipping. He joined OPI(Now EXL Services) in 2007 as a vessel operator handling dry bulk vessel operations for Cargill International SA before moving on to a ship broking company and is now working as Director, Braemar ACM Shipbroking India Pvt. Ltd. Saurabh regularly interacts with global clients, manages their account and oversees deals worth a few hundred thousand dollars each. I his team he has merchant navy deck and engineer officers along with fresher’s and experienced MBA graduates. He also recruits and trains candidates.

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